That seems like a statement you want to hear when you take your maltese out of the agiity ring! I took Isabelle to her second agility trial and thought what was I doing. It was in a horse barn and all this dry mulch which isn't nice to long hair dogs let alone if I was 7 inches off the ground, I would want to sit and sniff something that my legs were sinking into too!
Well I take her leash off to throw to the steward and Belle is already over the first jump. She was flying so fast that I didn't get a chance to keep up and she continued. She did extra obstacles to make up, visit the ring steward, etc. But she did perform with tons of attitude which always draws a crowd! Now we just need better focus! Belle just thought she was being nice letting me do some of the course with her!
She NQ'ed in jumpers too because she doesn't like to be told she is wrong and will shut down and then go play on her own. She missed the weave pole enterance and I knew it was over from there!
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