We went to our first competition with my good friend Alicia and her mini poodle who is absolutely amazing. I was nervous because in the 2 weeks prior to the trial Belle couldn't make it up the aframe and once your dog gets 2 paws on the aframe, which is about a 2 inch movement for Belle, they will nq if they dont make it all the way up.
I took the girls to be measured and they both jump the same height. Lets just say that pretty much means I am going to run back to back... yikes! Belle was 7 inches tall and Dora 10 1/2 inches tall but AKC's min jump height is 8
Belle in standard course was the first thing up... yikes! Well the first obstacle was the tire. I set Belle up and she ran right under it. She had never done that in her life. I take her back cause she didn't set the timer up. She ran right under it again and again. So I knew we nq'ed but I wanted to do the rest of the course! Belle performed beautifully. Lets just say she flew up the aframe! I was so proud of her on her and we had a lot of fun too!
Now on to my SUPERSTAR! Dora always surprises me. She is calm going in and I think we are going to have to deal with time. I take her leash off and she jumps the jump and takes off. She scored a perfect score and took first place!
We then had the jumpers course to do which is a much faster pace and the tunnel monsters are out ready to pounce on my girls! Well Belle was up first and did well, she did have a refusal and had some trouble on the weaves.
Dora almost blew the course and went after a tunnel monster. She slid her breaks on and I got her back to me before she nq'ed. She hit the weaves perfect and she still managed to take a first place and Belle took second!
Lilly the mini poodle also did very well and took two first places too!
Lets just say this sport is addicting! Queen city didn't help with a double q rosette in addition to placement rosettes and toys!
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