Thursday, August 30, 2007
Ready for Rapids?
I had to send the dogs to Jim and back for these photos but they turned out very nice! I would have been brave but I wasn't wearing good shoes! I love Colorado though and so do the girls.... well Dora doesn't like the mountains as she had trouble sleeping. I got out the rescue remedy and lets just say it works for Belle but not Dora!

Pony up!
sorry Nebraska wasn't that exciting!
This drive made all of us very tired. Oh except a good pointer! Don't take your dogs running in the prairie even if it is cut down! I spent a good hour brushing them and there is still grass, burrs, etc on them and the car is covered...

This drive made all of us very tired. Oh except a good pointer! Don't take your dogs running in the prairie even if it is cut down! I spent a good hour brushing them and there is still grass, burrs, etc on them and the car is covered...
This drive made all of us very tired. Oh except a good pointer! Don't take your dogs running in the prairie even if it is cut down! I spent a good hour brushing them and there is still grass, burrs, etc on them and the car is covered...
Does size really matter?
We are officially in the moving process!
Our first leg started by going up to Michigan and visiting with friends and family. Belle and Dora got to spend some much needed time with grandma and grandpa too! One of the best things about Grandma and Grandpa's house (besides Uncle Fred teaching you how to get a cookie every time you go outside!) is the surroundings which quickly take our city girls into the country!
Dora normally goes a little too crazy with cats. She loves to chase them but there is a new cat on the farm named Cutie Pie! She is convinced she is a small furry dog too! Belle would bark at her which at least gets the cats to move but not Cutie Pie who decided Belle needed to be cuddled!!! If Jim wasn't so allergic to cats, we would have taken her to LA with us in a heart beat!

Dora normally goes a little too crazy with cats. She loves to chase them but there is a new cat on the farm named Cutie Pie! She is convinced she is a small furry dog too! Belle would bark at her which at least gets the cats to move but not Cutie Pie who decided Belle needed to be cuddled!!! If Jim wasn't so allergic to cats, we would have taken her to LA with us in a heart beat!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Obedience and Agility in the same weekend?
We tried it... lets just say probably not again! Dora was first in the ring and got thru everythign but not as pretty. She was in the down and she jumps up scratches and lays back down. She obviously knew what was suppose to be done!
Belle then stole the show. They had fans and a/c going a bit too much for her liking and Isabelle decided to stop and roll herself on the matting. It did bother her but then she must have knew people thought it was cute because it was all down hill from there! Belle is a performer and was a famous actress in a previous life. If she didnt get enought people to watch her on Saturday, she had a bigger fan club on Sunday. She actually listened pretty well. I did have to give a second command on the off lead because she stopped to watch everyone watch her. Then the down came and Belle did a roll over... okay she wants attention. But then she jumped up! I told the judge she could have her but knew she would give her back the next day. Lots of people said they had no idea little dogs could have so much personality.... well Belle has more than enough! Owning a Diva is hard work!
Dora had her second chance but it wasn't pretty. We lost quiet a few points because Dora went to the right side on the heel free. It took me a minute to remember to use my second command. She was in heel just on the right! She ended up taking third place though. The best part was this trial site gave you a gift certificate to go shopping at their store! Dora had a few toys from the day before so we got her a purple slip leash for the next agility trial!
Belle then stole the show. They had fans and a/c going a bit too much for her liking and Isabelle decided to stop and roll herself on the matting. It did bother her but then she must have knew people thought it was cute because it was all down hill from there! Belle is a performer and was a famous actress in a previous life. If she didnt get enought people to watch her on Saturday, she had a bigger fan club on Sunday. She actually listened pretty well. I did have to give a second command on the off lead because she stopped to watch everyone watch her. Then the down came and Belle did a roll over... okay she wants attention. But then she jumped up! I told the judge she could have her but knew she would give her back the next day. Lots of people said they had no idea little dogs could have so much personality.... well Belle has more than enough! Owning a Diva is hard work!
Dora had her second chance but it wasn't pretty. We lost quiet a few points because Dora went to the right side on the heel free. It took me a minute to remember to use my second command. She was in heel just on the right! She ended up taking third place though. The best part was this trial site gave you a gift certificate to go shopping at their store! Dora had a few toys from the day before so we got her a purple slip leash for the next agility trial!
Dora on the otherhand performed wonderfully with another 100 and a 95. She also took another 2 first place ribbons. She is doing wonderfully but we still need to work on consistent speed. She does tend to stress a bit at agility trials so I just watch that she doesn't feel too overwhelmed but she did get some great toys which she already loves!
Wow they already make pocket border collies!
That seems like a statement you want to hear when you take your maltese out of the agiity ring! I took Isabelle to her second agility trial and thought what was I doing. It was in a horse barn and all this dry mulch which isn't nice to long hair dogs let alone if I was 7 inches off the ground, I would want to sit and sniff something that my legs were sinking into too!
Well I take her leash off to throw to the steward and Belle is already over the first jump. She was flying so fast that I didn't get a chance to keep up and she continued. She did extra obstacles to make up, visit the ring steward, etc. But she did perform with tons of attitude which always draws a crowd! Now we just need better focus! Belle just thought she was being nice letting me do some of the course with her!
She NQ'ed in jumpers too because she doesn't like to be told she is wrong and will shut down and then go play on her own. She missed the weave pole enterance and I knew it was over from there!
Belle's reward
Belle & Dora's first time in the agility ring!
We went to our first competition with my good friend Alicia and her mini poodle who is absolutely amazing. I was nervous because in the 2 weeks prior to the trial Belle couldn't make it up the aframe and once your dog gets 2 paws on the aframe, which is about a 2 inch movement for Belle, they will nq if they dont make it all the way up.
I took the girls to be measured and they both jump the same height. Lets just say that pretty much means I am going to run back to back... yikes! Belle was 7 inches tall and Dora 10 1/2 inches tall but AKC's min jump height is 8
Belle in standard course was the first thing up... yikes! Well the first obstacle was the tire. I set Belle up and she ran right under it. She had never done that in her life. I take her back cause she didn't set the timer up. She ran right under it again and again. So I knew we nq'ed but I wanted to do the rest of the course! Belle performed beautifully. Lets just say she flew up the aframe! I was so proud of her on her and we had a lot of fun too!
Now on to my SUPERSTAR! Dora always surprises me. She is calm going in and I think we are going to have to deal with time. I take her leash off and she jumps the jump and takes off. She scored a perfect score and took first place!
We then had the jumpers course to do which is a much faster pace and the tunnel monsters are out ready to pounce on my girls! Well Belle was up first and did well, she did have a refusal and had some trouble on the weaves.
Dora almost blew the course and went after a tunnel monster. She slid her breaks on and I got her back to me before she nq'ed. She hit the weaves perfect and she still managed to take a first place and Belle took second!
Lilly the mini poodle also did very well and took two first places too!
Lets just say this sport is addicting! Queen city didn't help with a double q rosette in addition to placement rosettes and toys!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Such a special cake, it deserves it's own post!
For my moving away present, I got a cake... not just any cake but a homemade chocolate cake decorated agility style. This was such a good cake, that I ended up taking 2 first places and a second in the trial the next morning! Look how creative my gang was! Thanks for the good cake Mona!
P.S. I was able to keep the decorations and everyone joked, it was agility equipment Belle sized!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
An old photo I found on my husband's computer!!!
Moving time is a coming but right now I am concentrating on the friends I have!
Some friends from the training club who I have really grown to love over the last year, invited me over for a going away celebration. This time with wine and no dogs (Although dog drinking wine did happen!) My friend Kathy was gracious enough to host this event in her lovely home- Thanks Kat!!! She keeps reminding me if jim throws me out for mentioning yet another puppy, she has an extra room... If I knew how nice her home was, I would have gotten that puppy already!

Spending time with people who are as crazy over their pets as you are is always going to result in having a great time, there is usually good food, and I went away with some doggy presents!!! Thanks to everyone and it wasn't needed but for sure I will be scrapbooking while grooming my girls with cute bows and a cute doggy print apron And I can still continue to shop since I have a grow my own credit card (and yes it is pink!)
I am sure I will find another training club when I move but I am sure I won't be able to replace the friends I have made here. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be in my training level, have the titles and ribbons on my dog and I wouldn't look forward to each weekend we have been able to exhibit together and laugh and cry thru the good and the bad. I sure am going to miss you guys!

Spending time with people who are as crazy over their pets as you are is always going to result in having a great time, there is usually good food, and I went away with some doggy presents!!! Thanks to everyone and it wasn't needed but for sure I will be scrapbooking while grooming my girls with cute bows and a cute doggy print apron
I am sure I will find another training club when I move but I am sure I won't be able to replace the friends I have made here. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be in my training level, have the titles and ribbons on my dog and I wouldn't look forward to each weekend we have been able to exhibit together and laugh and cry thru the good and the bad. I sure am going to miss you guys!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Grab your kleenex!
Havanese Rescue has it's first video on youtube! The adorable guy running in the grass is the one who shared his home with Belle and Dora and now has a forever home of his own!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Agility Graduation Night!
Our club always has a fun graduation night and this time auntie Cindy videotaped us!
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