This blog is about Isabelle the Maltese, Isadora the Havanese, and Dasher the Havanese! This will showcase their journey through life including conformation, rally, obedience, agility, and just being being a dog!!!
To check out some landscape pictures from many of the places Belle and Dora have gone to play- go to their Daddy's website (not nearly as many adorable dog photos though!)
But Isabelle has turned into a playing monster again and she apparently has watched Dora enough to decide tug is fun. Each night we have to play retrieve (come on you know this involves chase cause that is half of the fun!), tug, and wrestle with Belle! While she ISN'T a dog, she does have fun acting like one sometimes!
I am glad you and your friends loved the monkey photos!!! Mom said you had such colorful feelings on the pictures that she wouldn't share cause she knows a good dog like myself shouldn't hear that kind of language.
I attended this pet expo with a few friends and it is huge! I was able to see the world's tallest dog (the black/white great dane head shot in one of the pics), a cat show (they just stand on a table!), a hairless cat that was actually cute in a way, many different animals, vendors, etc. Overall it was a great time but very warm outside! This pet expo was a lot bigger than the ones Dora and Belle have performed at- many barns of just dog stuff! But I was good and hardly bought anything- Dora and Belle have many new samples for kibble chase games though!
Isabelle had her favorite pair of hands come visit- Grandpa's. She was also spoiled with Grandma and her sharing treats! Dora like normal wasn't so sure about visitors staying at our home but by the end she decided warm laps are great no matter who they belong to!
The girls joined us on a ride up to Yosemite, hiking, and back down the coast-starting at Pebble Beach. To say they were exhausted for the next few days would be an understatement. The stroller came in handy a few times but my favorite part had to be letting Dora see snow again at Yosemite....