Sunday, December 30, 2007

Yin Yang

Isabelle had a playdate of her own. We went to visit our good friends Leslie and Tori. Tori is quite smitten with Isabelle while Belle is well, Belle! However, she was nicer to Tori than she has been to any other dog. They were dressed in cute pink coats for the agility trial but didn't mind getting down and getting dirty. It was a good show although 55F is just too cold anymore (yeah, So Cal does that to you). The girls were able to get some treats, run around, and spend some quality time!

Good Bye Mickey!

We all forgot how much work it is to keep up with a puppy!

Dora plays with Mickey

Ofcourse right before he goes home!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

3 Stooges

Visiting the Dog Park!

We needed to stay busy Christmas Eve and burn out some of Mickey's puppy energy so I loaded up the car and took everyone to the favorite little dog park! Dora was exhausted before we left the house. She proceeded to find a shady spot (hey it was mid 70's) and crash! The park was full of people and Belle wasted no time. What was really cool was Mickey, knows his temporary pack. He followed Belle around the entire park. I was nervous he would be insecure but he had Belle's back!

Christmas= Treats and Presents for Everyone!

Belle and Dora got a special present from Grandma. Isabelle couldn't focus on taking a photo as her interest was concentrated elsewhere!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Belle & Dora become big sisters!!!!

Okay calm down, it is only a week! And like EVERYONE wouldn't know if we got a new puppy! Mickey is a 9 month old maltese who is staying with us. After some policing by Isabelle, he is doing well. He was so scared and kept running under the couch. The funny part is that he is quite a bit bigger than Belle. But for Isabelle, size is nothing and attitude is everything. Dora really wants to play with him more but she knows Belle said no playing with him! So Dora has done some chase with him outside. Mickey doesn't know how to really share toys and whenever Dora goes near him with one, he drops it. Dora loves tug so I wish he would try. Maybe once he gets more comfy with her!

How Belle really feels about the holidays...

Holiday Wishes!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blast from the past...

One of Dora's first photos in our home!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Dora loves to play with her Daddy!

Dora's second agility trial

Second Agility Trials

Thanks to those who emailed me but these were back when we were in Columbus! I have just learned to do videos!

Here is Isabelle