We hiked up Runyon Canyon which is an awesome off leash dog park. We decided to take the stroller since it is 3.5 miles and straight up. This way we could take the camera, the dogs, the water, the treats, etc. We had a great time. We did have a huge scare with a pit bull... well I think the owner was in the wrong for bringing an unsocialized dog to a offleash dog park and yanking him around on leash. Thank goodness Belle has so much hair to protect her and when the dog grabbed her, she went flying about 15 feet. This all happened, while the owner was yanking him by his prong collar!!! Belle took about 10 mins to recover but pretty shaken up and we decided to leave the park. By the time we got down to the bottom, she was social and didn't want back in the stroller-come on hiking is too much fun! I think the next time we go, we make sure it isn't a weekend and we really watch any dogs coming up. Belle wasn't visiting with this dog but the owner gave it too much leash. I am not sure Belle understood what happened. She was even scared when people walked by her afterwards- so she went into the stroller for a bit.
Now that we are safe! The stroller was wonderful, it has a braking system which is great for going down hill. It is able to go up and down rocky areas, it has good traction, good maneuvering and we had TONS of compliments! (Okay Jeep-send Belle and Dora another one and some cards to hand out!) I also love that it has a smaller mesh area for Belle to see out- she is only 7 3/4 inches tall so this is perfect or she would probably destroy it while waiting for me to drink water and keep moving! What I would say would improve it- I would like to be able to have the dogs secured with a collar hook up so the mesh netting could be left down. Folding up easier would be nicer and even more so- when you fold it up, it would be nice to have a handle to carry it. I have about 30 stairs to go down from my house to my car... not an easy thing when you are also carrying two dogs!