Dora was a busy girl recently getting her RN so we took a bit of time off. Dora loves to Garden so her and Dad concentrated on that for awhile! Currently Dora is enrolled in an Attention class which she needed because from now on she will be in the ring without a leash! Dora tends to stay by Mom but is easily distracted. This first part of the attention class is a brutal 6 weeks of not moving at all. Let me tell you to get Dora to pay attention takes some really good treats! We have changed it up between liver, chicken, turkey, steak. Whatever Princess wants, Princess gets!
More fun for Dora last week, she passed her agility test. She starts agility tonight. This week our work included:
1. Touch- Dora has this concept down straight. We make her touch when she wants on the big king poster bed! She thinks this is a game and it is fun to spring into the air!
2. Hit it- Dora doesn't quite get why Mom wants her to walk over strange objects... Mom yells at her for jumping on tables normally!
3. Around it- Dora doesn't seem to have fears of new objects. Just strange people!
4. Heeling on the offside- Dora doesn't get this one at all. She always goes to finish around to my correct side. She really knows the difference between when going for a walk and when training and she is quick to let Mom know the difference between right and left!
In the meanwhile, Dora is taking a break from obedience/rally as she is re-learning how to heel with her head looking at me. This is the real challenge but surely coming along thanks to the attention class!